home is where the couch is

our first house. her big plans. his hard work.

12:31 PM

The siding is finally finished!!

Posted by Terri |

The addition now looks like a real house!!


It took 3 weekends to finish. This is was actually pretty quick for us. We just have to put the soffits back up and we'll have finished the outside for now. 

Now we have to figure out where we're working next. Currently, we have an extra teenager in the house and having another useable bathroom, even if it was just the toilet and sink would be awesome! Hopefully that will be the plan cause having to wait an hour till you can pee in the morning is torture.

8:53 PM

Siding on the other side!!

Posted by Terri |

You have no idea how exciting this is for me.

8:14 PM


Posted by Terri |

Look who has siding!!

Windswept Smoke vertical siding

One side down, two to go...
